Say Hello to Danger
Christian Suspense

Hello! I'm delighted you've visited my site.
If you're looking for a thrill ride with a dash of romance, you've come to the right place. But first, I'll introduce myself.
Growing up the daughter of an English teacher/nonfiction magazine writer, I learned that words create a world where anything is possible.
Although my work was published in short form during college, my writing took a back burner when my first novel didn’t sell. Paying the rent was a necessity, so I traded my quill for a mouse and pursued a career as a graphic designer in the professional services industry. Little did I know that my experiences would inspire my Christian suspense novel, In the Name of Treason.
I feel blessed by the talents the Lord has given me and hope my novels spread the good news of God’s redeeming love as my heroes and heroines dodge bullets and conquer seemingly insurmountable obstacles.
Ready to say hello to danger?